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KATADYN MICROPUR Water Purifier MC 1000F (100ml)

KATADYN MICROPUR Water Purifier MC 1000F (100ml)

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KATADYN MICROPUR Water Purifier MC 1000F (100ml)

When and how to use Micropur Classic:

  • Micropur Classic uses silver ions, a chlorine-free way to preserve water.
  • Silver ions prevent stored water from becoming contaminated again for up to six months.
  • It is suitable for the function of water purification in the water collection tank. In order to achieve the best effect, the water storage container must be sealed and protected from direct sunlight.

Usage restrictions:

  • It can only be used with clean water. Turbid water must be filtered through the Katadyn portable filtration system first.
  • Micropur Classic is ineffective against viruses and protozoa (amoebae).
  • We do not recommend using aluminum containers to store water or dissolving powder in small amounts of water.

How to use:

  • First add the powder to an empty or half-filled container (water only), immediately add the required amount of water to the container, stir and mix evenly to distribute the silver ions evenly, and leave it for 2 hours to eliminate bacteria.


  • Extremely toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
  • Please keep this product out of the reach of children.
  • Avoid disposing of this product in the natural environment. Please collect the leaked liquid and dispose of the contents and container in accordance with local laws.

Active ingredients:

  • Silver 0.7 mg/g.

Save method:

  • Keep original packaging and store in a dry, dark place.

Things to note:

  • Keep this product out of the reach of children.
  • In case of accidental contact with eyes, please flush eyes with water for several minutes. If eye discomfort persists, seek medical attention immediately and show the instructions or labels of this product.


  • Do not use it with other products as it may release dangerous gas (chlorine).
  • Damp powder may discolor clothing.
  • Do not discharge into sewers. Please dispose of this product and its container to a hazardous materials or special waste collection point.

    Water purification tablets, water purification tablets, water purification, outdoor water purification
  • KATADYN MICROPUR Water Purifier MC 1000F (100ml) Specifications
  • Dosage: 1ml/10L
  • Effect of use (soaking): 2 hours: Kill bacteria
  • Ingredients: silver 0.7 mg/g
  • Capacity: 100 ml, can purify 1,000 liters of water in total
  • Shelf life: 5 years
  • Origin: Switzerland


MICROPUR 是由瑞士 Katadyn Group 生產的一系列水質淨化產品,專為簡便、有效地淨化飲用水而設計。這些產品廣泛應用於野外活動、旅行和緊急情況中,非常適合探險者、背包客和任何需要在戶外環境中確保飲用水安全的人士。


戶外活動:如健行、露營和皮划艇等,MICROPUR 提供了一種輕便的解決方案,可以在沒有乾淨水源的地方安全飲用水。

旅行:在許多旅行目的地,飲用水的安全無法得到保證,MICROPUR 片劑是一種方便攜帶且有效的淨化方法。

緊急備用:在自然災害或其他緊急情況下,保證飲用水的安全至關重要,MICROPUR 能快速地將存儲的水轉變為安全的飲用水。