Installation of fresh water equipment in Colombian Wildlife Refuge: Solving the water plight of local residents

Colombian wildlife refuge installs water production equipment for local residents

On the Riojacha Peninsula in La Guajira, Colombia, the Los Flamencos Wildlife Refuge needs fresh water to meet the needs of indigenous peoples. In the past, they had relied on a single well for all their water supply, but when the well became contaminated with salt, local residents had to transport clean water at high cost.

Peter Wochele of Trunz, a partner with Spectra, worked with the National Park Service to find a cost-effective and sustainable solution to their water shortage. After many discussions, they installed two LB-4000 water purification equipment to purify well water and provide clean and safe drinking water to the community. These systems are powered by solar arrays and provide all the water needed to the people living in the wildlife sanctuary.

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